Fur Is Fashion

Fur is Fashion

We are not in denial. We know that El Nino is here and everyone is still wearing their warm weather clothes and not thinking about fur. That is why we are here to tell you that Fur is Fashion! 

Women love wearing fall and winter wear. Everywhere you look you will see fashionable booties and tall boots, oversized sweaters and scarves. That is because no matter the weather, it's fashionable. Fur is the same. Is it cold enough for a full length mink coat? Not yet. But it is the season for a fashionable fur vest! Most of our furs are perfect for keeping you in style without making you sweat. 

The best news? This late winter is to your advantage! We want everyone to have fur for two reasons: to look fashionable AND to be ready for when that cold weather does come!  

All of our furs are very affordable right now. We have everthing 70-90% off, and we are always doing promotions, such as an additional 20% off. Buy now during the season at our regular "end of the season" prices. 

In the words of Ken Downing, VP Fashion Director at Neiman Marcus, “She doesn’t wear fur because she is cold, she wears fur because she is glamorous."

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